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The Orbit - The Voice of Mayville State University Students

Monday, September 20, 2010

Purity in Relationships — by Betsy Mortenson

The Bible has a lot to say about relationships, but its message gets drowned out by what we hear on TV, in movies, in popular music, and, well, just about everywhere. This Saturday at Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Mayville, Christian camp directors--and married couple--Greg and Janet Anderson will be presenting a seminar on what God says about relationships in the Bible.  They’ll teach us how we can apply this to our relationships and pass it on to our children, as well.
This free seminar, called “Parenting for Purity”, will take place from 3:00-8:00 PM, with an evening meal served in the middle. While the curriculum is geared toward parents (couples and singles) with children of all ages, the event is open to anyone teenage and older.

The seminar should inspire a lot of good thought and discussion on the topic of relationships.

Printed in The Orbit: 09/15/2010

Movie Review: After.Life — by Sarah Johnson

The last movie that I rented was After.Life with Christina Ricci, Justin Long, and Liam Neeson. This movie was unlike any other movie I have seen in a long time. It was mysterious in plot and strange in theme. As a viewer, you are left not knowing the real truth.

Christina Ricci plays Anna, a young woman who is feeling caught between life and death. And then she actually is.  Her boyfriend Paul (played by Justin Long) is haunted by the feeling that she’s not actually dead when the undertaker Eliot Deacon (played by Liam Neeson) won’t let Paul see the body of his “deceased” girlfriend, would-be-fiancĂ©. 

As you watch the movie, you start to wonder whether she is dead or not.  There are times were you think she has to be alive!  But the movie ends leaving you wondering.  All-in-all, it wasn’t as amazing as I would have hoped from the cast.  The storyline was pretty unique but the amount of nudity felt a little extreme.  Not to mention some really shocking sadistic moments. I wouldn’t watch it again.

Printed in The Orbit: 09/15/2010

COMETS SHUT OUT LIONS 31 – 0! — by Derek Schlieve

The Mayville State University Football team travelled to Ellendale, ND to play Trinity Bible on September 11th and came away with a 31 – 0 victory. 
The defense for the Comets came out strong right from start and stayed that way all game long causing 4 turnovers in the process.  One of the turnovers, an interception by freshman DB Dominique Bradley was returned for a TD.  The other turnovers were able to lead to Comet scores.  Mayville State took and early 3 – 0 lead on the strong leg of freshman kicker Tyler Yaminouchi.
The Mayville State offensive line was able to open up some holes as well as sophomore running back Mitch Ford was able to rush for over 150 yards.  Junior quarterback and punter Tanner Carpenter was great when called upon to punt as he not only had a good average but had some well placed punts too.  With the win the Comets upped their season record to 1 – 1.
On a side note Freshman DB Dominique Bradley was named the Dakota Athletic Conference Defensive Player of the Week for his strong performance.
Printed in The Orbit: 09/15/2010

The Radio Line-up

Comet Radio, the voice of Mayville State, can be heard 24/7 online at www.mayvillestate.edu/cometradio
Tune in for news, sports, and music:
· “5 Disc Shuffle”

· “Fall of Troy”

· “In the Lab”

· “Swing Mix”

· “Pop Lockdown”

· “In the Mood for Old Time Radio”

· “Let’s Dance”

· “The Rock Scene”

· “Flatbilly Blues”

· “TBJ Sports Talk”

· “The Unbeaten Path”

· “Jazz & Blues Overnight”

Printed in The Orbit: 09/15/2010

Where were you? — by Stephanie Carlson

September 11th, 2001. A day that will forever be engraved in the memories of countless people, just like people who were alive when they heard about the Kennedy assassination. These people can remember exactly where they were and what they were doing. The same can be said for me remembering the 9/11 attack.
I was in the 5th grade, my class was just returning from gym class, as we entered the classroom we all took our seats and looked around at the unusual events occurring in our classroom. Our teacher was nowhere to be seen, but there were other teachers gathered at the small round table in one corner of the room. They were watching the large TV that hung in the corner with looks of shock on their face. I looked up to the TV, the scene was confusing, a building with smoke coming off of it.
My first thought was that it was just an out of control fire, but as I listened to the newscasters covering the story, I came to realize it wasn’t just a fire. Two airplanes had been hijacked and crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City.
The classroom was now buzzing, some with excitement about watching the drama on the news, some with confusion, not understanding the severity of the attacks, but mostly the classroom was full of fear. After a few more minutes of reporters repeating the same facts over and over and showing the same footage that they had at the time.
Our teacher entered the room and turned off the TV. There was a large protest from the class, now that we knew about the attack we wanted to be kept up to date on the news. After a few minutes of protest, our teacher agreed to leave the TV on with the volume down, but we still had to do our school work. For a short time it worked, we went on with our lessons, throwing glances at the TV every few minutes.
Soon enough everyone was too engrossed in the TV to focus on anything else. Our teacher gave in and turned the TV volume back up and let us have “free time” to watch the news or work on whatever we chose. I got out a coloring sheet and absentmindedly filled in the lines with color, my focus was on the TV showing the same clips and listening for every new bit of information as it became available. The school day came to a close and I returned home, my parents arrived soon after I did. I asked them about what had happened on the news and we turned the TV on again.
It was the main topic of discussion for a long time, at home, at school, on the news, it was everywhere, impossible to avoid. Eventually all the facts were put together and people mourned and debated the events. There was still fear in the public and it was impossible to fly anywhere in the country.   Every year we hold remembrances of what happened, we think of those who died and we pray for the families of those who lost their loved ones. There are TV specials, documenting every minute of that day going into as much detail as one could follow. Each year I remember that day and what my thoughts were when it happened, with each year my exact memories and feelings begin to fade and heal, but it’s still a memory I will never forget as long as I live.
Printed in The Orbit: 09/15/2010

New and Improved — by Elizabeth Jemar

“Excuse the mess,” says Shannon Hofer, a Librarian at the Byrnes-Quanbeck Library, when asked about the renovation. Work at the Library this past month has been interesting. The construction in the Library has been going smoothly, thus far. Wireless internet is now up and running. However, there is no running water. To clean the library they have been hauling buckets from the Classroom Building, for there is dust everywhere. In addition books keep piling up all over, waiting to be shelved in their new proper locations.  The library staff is doing a massive shift, moving all the books around to keep them in the correct order, both during the construction and as preparation for the new addition.

This sounds like a terrible inconvenience, but in spite of all the trouble the interior is looking pretty cool. New lights are being installed with new ceiling tiles and new carpet was put in as well. All of this gives the library a new modern look. In the near future, they are expecting an elevator to be installed giving handicapped access to the periodicals in the basement. The new temporary entrance (pictured) is located by the greenhouse outside of the Classroom Building. Library staff  request that students and staff carefully use this entry until the original entrance is finished next summer.
When asked what she is most looking forward to with the new design, Shannon replied, “For it to be finally done.” The Library should be completely finished next summer, in time for the fall semester to begin.

Printed in The Orbit 09/15/2010

Welcome Back — By Ashley Roeske

The school year has begun along with all the campus activities that go with it. Student Senate is excited and anxious to have the 2010-2011 school year started.  Student Senate is ready to take an active role in representing students’ perceptions and thoughts on different topics.

Student Senate welcomes a new executive board for the 2010-2011 school year.  Serving on Student Senate this year are President Hardy DeLong, Vice President Kelli Smart, Secretary Thomas Smette, Treasurer Amanda Sondeland, Public Relations Officer Sara King, and Parliamentarian Ashley Roeske.

Student Senate interviewed four candidates Monday night for the Senator spots, but there is still room.   We need seven total senators so if you are interested in joining please contact Ashley Roeske by e-mail or check your e-mail inbox for the Student Senate application form.

Student Senate will be hosting their fall blood drive on October 19th from 9:00-1:30 in the Luckasen Room so be looking for information about that to sign up to help save a life!

Student Senate will also be doing their fall highway clean up in October.  Student Senate members clean-up a three mile stretch of Highway 18 south of Mayville’s Home Plate.  Mayville State Student Senate will be hosting the November meeting for NDSA (North Dakota Student Association).  Student Senate members from all eleven North Dakota public campuses will be on Mayville’s campus November 12 and 13 for meetings and a guest speaker.  The purpose of the North Dakota Student Association is to represent the views of all the university students in the state to the North Dakota University System (NDUS) board.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions about the campus or Student Senate please feel free to talk to anyone of the executive board members listed above.  We love to hear what the student’s needs and wants are!  If you want to sit in on a Student Senate meeting, they meet every Monday evening at 9:00 p.m. in the Student Senate Conference Room in the upper lounge; feel free to join them and voice your concerns!  Please watch your e-mail for other Student Senate sponsored activities!

Printed in The Orbit 09/15/2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Orbit Enters the 21st Century

Welcome to the Orbit's home in cyberspace! The Orbit is your student newspaper, the voice of the Mayville State University Student Body. Here at the Orbit we hope to keep you up to date on what's going on around campus, in Mayville, and the region at large- offering useful information to help you find fun ways to keep entertained and enjoy life here as a Comet! We are also presenting this as an opportunity for you to provide feedback and share your thoughts with others by allowing you to comment on this blog as well as participate in polls that may be posted here from time to time.

Are you in the know? Do you enjoy writing, drawing, or taking photographs? Well believe it or not we here at the Orbit are actively seeking new members for our staff and would be happy to have you join our team! For more information, please email our Staff Adviser Tricia L. Knutson, you can also keep checking back to this blog for information on upcoming meetings!

Until the next time around, have a great weekend everyone!

Evan Nelson
Orbit Staff Writer
Director of Advertising